
How did it happen?
I cried so much throughout this process. It was definitely a process. From the first photo on social media of an old beat up car with my grandad's misspelled name on it to the incredible footage we found showing him in the most controversial race in history, I can not explain the vast range of emotions that I felt. How could I not have known this?! Was I so self-absorbed that I never took a minute to ask him about his life before it was too late! How could I have missed the chance to enjoy all of this from his perspective? ​
What started out as an emotional hunger to find out all I could about my grandad twenty years after his death ended with this wonderful history lesson of a sport and of a few good friends that I knew nothing about. ​
I thought I knew my grandad, Charlie but boy was I wrong....

My hope is...
Whether you are a racing fan or not, my hope is that you will not only enjoy watching this film but learn more about the men, the times, the impact on the families and the impact on the sport that these men made in their time on this earth. ​
And from a granddaughter who didn't take the opportunity to let her grandad know just how "cool" she thought he was, I pray that you will spend more time listening and sharing with yours.
~Michelle Griffith Talbert
Charlie Griffith, Joe Lee Johnson, Friday Hassler, Harold Fryar, Bob Burcham and Freddy Fryar were pioneers in the racing world in the 50s and 60s. All from the small town of Chattanooga, Tennessee, they set the standard for many to follow in the racing world. Their stories were all different. Their families all dealt with their love for racing differently. There was danger. There was death. There was immense joy. There was deep sadness. But most of all there was a great camaraderie that set the tone for those that went on to become household names in history.